Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Calorie counting challenge

Anthony introduced me to the fine art of Slurpee drinking. On the day we moved my mom and dad to their new home Anthony and I both drank 4 40 oz. Slurpees. That translates into +/-2200 calories! Pretty sweet until you realize how many calories you have to burn. I looked it up. You pick what you would do.....

1. 612 minutes of walking
2. 252 minutes of jogging
3. 184 minutes of swimming
4. 336 minutes of cycling
5. 780 minutes of walking combined with lifting 25,000 lbs.

As for Anthony and I we pick #5.......We are both overachievers so why stop at 612 minutes of walking. 780 here we come. Then what the heck bring on the 25,000 lbs.........

The only thing I was sad about was that we could have had a fifth Slurpee and all would have been well (765 minutes of walking and 2750 calories). Next time.....next time......


Saturday, July 10, 2010

Winter Break

Yep our winter break was awesome. We escaped the horrible cold of Brisbane (50 degree lows and 70 degree highs) to visit the Western US. We had a great time visiting relatives in Idaho and Utah. It was one of the more productive vacations I think I have ever had. We got lots of dental work done (thanks Ken). Sarah was baptized and confirmed (definitely a highlight). We moved my parents into their new home and built the majority of a wooden fence around their property.

We got to meet three new family members on Juli's side of the family (Collin, Mia, and Lindsay). We camped which was really fun. I think all the cousins loved steal the flag and four wheeling. We went to the lake, hiked, and had a wonderful time. I think all the kids loved the time with cousins. They slept over nearly every night somewhere together (thanks Kim and Gaye). We saw everyone from both sides of the family except Spencer's family. We missed you guys (still do).
Top 10 from Winter 2010 in no particular order except #1 (Shon's perspective)
10. Meeting 3 new family members
9. Camping and playing steal the flag
8. Going to a movie and on a date with Juli and Kim and Rustin
7. Getting to go to business class on the way home after 6-8 hours trying to sleep sitting up (thanks Juli for swapping half way)
6. Seeing Collin blessed
5. Manning and Robinson cousin reunions!! Thanks Jenny and Judy and Grandmother Ellen Mae!!
4. 4th of July in the USA!!!
3. Time with my sisters and brother working and playing
2. Getting my mom and dad moved and with most of a fence up
1. Sarah's baptism and confirmation