Thursday, November 19, 2009

I'm such a nerd.

I totally went to see "New Moon" last night. (One of the perks of living in Australia is that we get to see it a day early.) Thanks Jennifer for coming on a girls night out with me. (Ooh, and we had yummy and healthy grilled chicken burgers too!)

I love Stephanie Meyer, though I believe her books to be very young adult (not for children) and FICTION. They're just a story. That means don't take it too seriously, girls. There is no Edward. Men don't come like that. (And call me old fashioned, but I don't think teenagers should be sleeping together even if they're just "sleeping" together.) But don't we all love to escape our boring lives for just a few hours . . .

So, about the movie:
You're going to love the part where. . . just kidding, I'd never spoil it for you. (Don't you love people who say things like "don't worry, it has a happy ending." I don't want to know ANYTHING about something I haven't seen.)

All I'm going to say is: Put me on team Jacob.


Laura Dunford said...

you are not a nerd... mom, kathy, karen, our friend lesley and i just got home from seeing it ..i loveeeeeeeeee the twilight series.

Ash said...

I'll be a downer, I do not understand the Twilight craze. I thought it was entertaining, but more on the "oh come on" side of things. It makes me laugh when people behave like that (oh don't tell me kind if thing) especially when they read the book and already know exactly what will happen. for that same reason I question why people go on team Jacob. Except he is better looking than Edward.

Kimberly said...

I'm an even bigger nerd. I picked up the darn book to read it again AND I went and saw the movie in California. And I don't know but I love Jacob too. Hmmm.

Rachael said...

I think you two are the only other Team Jacob people I know. I was Team Jacob when I read the book and still am. My sisters think I am crazy.