Hi it is Shon so if it isn't cute it isn't Juli's fault........
We are getting more and more settled. Today we bought a fridge, washing machine, dryer, TV, DVD player, the list goes on and on. It is nice to have behind us. Today for the first time we kind of have stuff set up. We have the upstairs TV, DVD player set up (huge deal). We have the downstairs TV, DVD, and game systems set up (again huge deal). It is starting to feel like home. Juli keeps walking around saying I love my house, I love my house. I hope that isn't code for "there's no place like home". Hmmmmmm. We'll see.
Emily played the xylophone in a concert Thursday night. She did well. I could tell what the song was when she played it without any question.
We still have lots to do but we are settled enough for you ALL TO COME ON OVER NOW.
Next week will be huge. We get internet and phone service!!!! Then we can skype, call home to the US for free etc. We feel like we don't talk to anyone and we want to. As soon as we can we'll be talking your ears off.
Hope you all had a great week. I love reading everyone's blogs. It keeps me in the loop on what is going on. Jason I love the texts from your phone. That is cool........
Only downer from the move so far is our desktop looks like it didn't make it. Hmmmmm if I lose all the pictures I will be pretty ticked. This is the first move ever where we didn't do a full back up. Duh. It is the farthest ever..... Anyway hopefully it is something recoverable. Thank heavens for our laptops.
La Salvation
3 years ago
I need to see some pictures of the house. Since Juli is somewhat unreliable in that department (sorry Jules) you are elected Shon! I'm glad you are getting moved in.
Yeah for an update. Guess it has been 3 years huh? I can't believe every computer you own automatically knows to self destruct after 3 years. Maybe it is time for an Apple.
We are so excited for you. I tell everyone about how cute your kids look in their school uniforms. I love reading about what you are doing.
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